
Use the gifts God has given you to bless others – staff a Weekend!


Weekend staff provide support and leadership for the attendees of Women’s Walk With Christ Weekends. All of our volunteers have completed a Weekend, a Bridge, and actively attend an on-going Spirit Circle.


Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms….If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 4: 9-11)



Staffing is a gift of service to Jesus Christ and other women, supporting them in their work and their healing. As women, we unite to do the work God intends for us to do. Each of you is a gift and your job on the Weekend is vital to the overall experience of the attendees. Be prepared! The entire Weekend you will be serving others. You will wake before the women each morning and go to bed long after they have gone to sleep. Please prayerfully consider this before you register to staff a Weekend.


**An invitation to staff (for eligible sisters) will be emailed letting you know we are ready for registrations. Staff registration generally opens 3 months before the scheduled Weekend. Please do not register until you have received the “Invitation to Staff” email. Registering does not guarentee placement on staff. You will be contacted to confirm placement. If you sign-up, but do not wind up staffing, you will receive a full refund.


STAFF FEE: It is our wish that every woman have the opportunity to staff a Weekend. If you can pay in full at time of registration, please do so. If you cannot pay the full staff fee today (even if you just need to delay your full payment), then you must fill out the financial assistance form (link is located on Page 2 of the staff form) explaining what you’re committing to pay and when. DO NOT fill out the staff registration form until you have received an email approving your payment commitment or financial assistance request.


Please click “View All Events” to register to staff.**



May 2 - 4, 2025
Christian Retreat & Conference Center
1200 Glory Way Blvd
Bradenton, FL
Sep 12 - 14, 2025
Catholic Conference Center
1551 Trinity Ln
Hickory, NC
Oct 24 - 26, 2025
Mount Olivet Conference & Retreat Center
7984 257th St W
Farmington, MN
Nov 14 - 16, 2025
Snow Mountain Ranch YMCA
1101 CO Rd 53
Granby, CO


Trouble logging it? Email Web Support.



Other Ways to Serve


There are many opportunities to volunteer within this ministry. We want to know how YOU would like to serve. Click the email links below to contact a specific committee directly for more information or to volunteer your gifts. Not sure how your gifts might fit?  Take our Gifts/Talents Survey found in the password secured Daily Walk Resources area. Or feel free to email the WWWC Director or our Volunteer Recruitment Team for more information.


Business Management
oversees all financial & business transactions, taxes, & contracts for the ministry

Data Management/Website/Technology
manages website; oversees & maintains ministry database; website & technology support

organizes campaigns and events to raise money for the ministry

oversees supplies/inventory and music needed for Weekends; manages ministry trailer

creates materials for the purpose of promoting the ministry (includes public social media accts, newsletters, & website); creates/schedules ministry emails, etc.

Missioner Outreach
oversees & coordinates Weekend registrations and attendees





Serve in the Central Region
serve the ministry on a more regional/local level

Serve on the East Coast
serve the ministry on a more regional/local level
Serve in the Pacific-West Region
serve the ministry on a more regional/local level
orders & organizes merchandise; oversees the store on Weekends
volunteer to write a testimonial for one of our Weekends; (learn more about writing a testimonial)
helps connect & match abilities/interests with volunteer opportunities
oversees registration, facilities & travel/carpool arrangements for Weekends; calling team